Top tips on how to get the most out of our live online classes.
Want to learn how to participate in loving and kind direct actions? Sign up here and we will let you know of our free and upcoming Mindful Direct Action Trainings in the Twin Cities as they get scheduled. Until then, this page also links you to a PDF of the Mindful Direct Action Training handouts and a list of direct action resources to help you learn more right now.
A January 25, 2020 Mindful Direct Action Training at Mayflower UCC helped prepare people to “Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love.” (Quote from Peace Pilgrim.)
Donate to support the OWL Retreat for animal advocates. This retreat will help attendees learn the skills they need to take care of themselves physically, psychologically, and emotionally while advocating for animals. It will also provide information and techniques to help their activism be more sustainable, effective, and loving.
Thank you for your involvement with the Boundless Love Project. Read what you helped us accomplish in 2018, and check out our 2018 financial report too.
Tips for attending online classes