In celebration of the Martin Luther King, Jr. national holiday, please consider taking the following actions to help realize Dr. King’s dream of a creating a global Beloved Community where all life thrives:
Read this article: What is the Beloved Community?
Take the Beloved Community Pledge.
Attend the Jan 18th, 2022 School of Love online Zoom class where we will honor Dr. King’s legacy.
Share the memes below featuring quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on your social media pages.
Thank you and enjoy!
MLK Jr on Love
MLK Jr on Forgiveness

MLK on our Interconnectedness

MLK on Hatred

MLK Jr on Beloved Community

MLK Jr on Just and Unjust Laws

MLK Jr on Civil Disobedience and Direct Action

MLK Jr on the Need for Allies to Be More Supportive
MLK on the Urgency of Civil Rights and Justice

Please consider taking the following actions to help realize Dr. King’s dream of a creating a global Beloved Community where all life thrives:
Read this article: What is the Beloved Community?
Take the Beloved Community Pledge.
Attend the Jan 18th, 2022 School of Love online Zoom class where we will honor Dr. King’s legacy.
Share the memes above featuring quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on your social media pages.
Wishing you and your loved ones boundless love, peace, compassion, joy, and wisdom.