Soul Force: From Spirit to Street Nonviolence Training

Enjoy this Pace e Bene Nonviolence Training which was given online on August 6, 2020 as part of the Campaign Nonviolence’s National Conference which was moved online due to COVID-19.

According to the YouTube page hosting this video:

Soul Force lives in all of us. Join [Pace e Bene nonviolence trainers] Veronica Pelicaric, Rivera Sun, and Adam Vogal for a webinar on how to unleash it within us and move it into action. Fierce, gentle, courageous, loving, centered, and determined, Soul Force gives us the grace and power to stand up for change, navigate conflict, and help heal ourselves and our world. Facilitators will share real-life stories of powerful Soul Force and offer tools and practices from engaged nonviolence and active bystander trainings. Participants will gain practical skills, heart-centered awareness, and courageous strength for the times that we're in.