Mindfulness Fundamentals: Unleash Your Inner Love, Wisdom, Courage, and Joy!

This 12-week course is designed to help you establish a meditation practice that will serve you for the rest of your life.

Please bookmark this page for your convenience. You will need to access it a lot during the course. Thank you!

Read these tips on how to “attend” and prepare for this course.

Course Preparation

Handouts to Bring to Class (Please print)

Slogans to Print

Class 1: How Meditation Works


Read the full mindfulness mission here before you start your daily practices. The daily practices are:

1. Gratitude Meditation (5 min)

2. Gratitude Intention Setting (5 min)

The instructions are in your handouts, or you can click the link above.

Class 2: Road Map to Love and Wisdom


Read the full week 2 mindfulness mission here before you start your daily practices. The daily practices are:

1. Sympathetic Joy Meditation (5 min)

2. Week 2 Intention Setting (5 min)

Class 3: Be Your Best Friend — The Falsehood of Self-Judgment


Read the full week 3 mindfulness mission here before you start your daily practices. The daily practices are:

1. Breath Meditation (5 min)

2. Week 3 Intention Setting (5 min)

Class 4: Come to Your Senses — Wisdom Beyond Thought


Read the full week 4 mindfulness mission here before you start your daily practices.

The daily practices are:

1. Sensation Meditation (5 min)

2. Intention Setting (5 min)

Class 5: Be Here Now - The Falsehoods of Futuring and Pasting

WEEK 5 Mindfulness Mission

Read the full week 5 mindfulness mission here before you start your daily practices. The daily practices are:

1. Bare Awareness Meditation (5 min)

2. Intention Setting (5 min)

Class 6: The Key to Fulfillment is Joyful Service

WEEK 6 Mindfulness Mission

Read the full week 6 mindfulness mission here before you start your daily practices. The daily practices are:

1. Sound Meditation (5 min)

2. Intention Setting (5 min)

Class 7: Relating Skillfully to Emotions — Clinging and Aversion Part 1

WEEK 7 Mindfulness Mission

Read the full week 7 mindfulness mission here before you start your daily practices. The daily practices are:

1. Bonfire of Compassion Meditation (6 min)

2. Week 7 Intention Setting (5 min)

Class 8: Let Love Rule — The Falsehood of Judgment and the Practice of Forgiveness

WEEK 8 Mindfulness Mission

Read the full week 8 mindfulness mission here before you start your daily practices. The daily practices are:

1. Loving-Kindness Meditation (7 min)

2. Week 8 Intention Setting (5 min)

Class 9: This, Too, Will Pass — The Falsehood of Craving

WEEK 9 Mindfulness Mission

Read the full week 9 mindfulness mission here before you start your daily practices. The daily practices are:

1. Compassion Meditation (8 min)

2. Week 9 Intention Setting

Class 10: Who Are You Without Your Story of Self? The Falsehood of Self-View

WEEK 10 Mindfulness Mission

Read the full week 10 mindfulness mission here before you start your daily practices. The daily practices are:

1. Formless Meditation (9 min)

2. Week 10 Intention Setting (6 min)

Class 11: Are You the Watcher or the Character? The Falsehood of Self-View Review

WEEK 11 Mindfulness Mission

Read the full week 11 mindfulness mission here (Coming soon!) before you start your daily practices. The daily practices are:

1. Investigating Nonidentification Meditation (10 min)

2. Week 11 Intention Setting (6 min)

Class 12: Where Do We Go From Here?

Final Handouts and Visual Aids (Coming Soon)

Final Meditation (Coming Soon)