Boundless Love Project

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WEEK 5 Mindfulness Mission

I appreciate all of the love, effort, and sincerity you invest into these practices, and wish you continued success in establishing healthy habits.

Do as Soon as Possible

1. Read this entire page so you understand your mission for the week. (3 min)

2. Click on these two links to download the week five handouts and slogan cards that will help you with your mission:

Week 5 Handouts

Slogan Cards

3. Investigate three or more self-judgments, futurings, or pastings this week. (10 min per investigation) To aid you with that, please:

• Complete the investigation planning worksheet.

• Read the Futuring and Pasting handout and review it as needed.

• Read the Investigating Futuring handout and use it to investigate futurings.

• Read the Investigating Pasting handout and use it to investigate pastings, if doing so makes sense.

Do Every Day

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Bare Awareness Meditation • 5 min Freeman

4. Every day, between now and the next class, meditate using the 5-minute bare awareness meditation. Stream or download it above. Immediately after meditating, record the meditation on your tracking log. (5 min)

5. Every day, between now and the next class, do the week 5 intention-setting practice (see handouts above), then immediately record it in your tracking log. (5 min)

6. Be here now. With a lot of love and compassion, do your best to do the Be Here Now practice to come to your sense and live in the present moment. To aid you with that, please:

• Read the Be Here Now Practice handout and follow the instructions.

• Hang up the Be Here Now slogan cards in places you will see them. Let them remind you to do the Mindful Pause technique whenever a falsehood alarm goes off.

7. Each day, any time after 2 PM, message your gratitudes to your gratitude group. Read their gratitudes and practice being happy for their happiness (sympathetic joy). (1 min)

Do This on Days When You Miss Doing the Meditation, the Intention-Setting, or Both

8. If you miss meditating or intention setting for a day, get out your journal and answer these questions (5-10 min):

• What prevented me from successfully completing my intention (to meditate, do the intention-setting, or both)?

• What can I do to prevent this situation from happening in the future?

• If I can’t prevent this situation from arising, what can I do to not let it derail me from completing my intention?

Please do not record these as investigations in your tracking log any more. We want that number to reflect the number of self-judgments you have investigated. Thank you!


9. Watch this TEDx Talk: The Prison of Your Mind by therapist Sean Stephenson. Learn his tips on how your free yourself from the prison of your mind. (11 min)