Greetings Beloved Friends,

Here is my annual letter for 2024. (One day, I hope to get it out by the end of December, like most normal folks - Haha!)

Meditation and mindfulness continue to be paramount for my wellbeing and growth. Tuesday night’s I facilitate a group meditation LINK and a Community Heart Share on Zoom which you are welcome to join. Email me for details. Or consider taking this LINK intro to meditation course that I put online.

Below are my year’s highlights in pictures.

Due to my poorly-understood health conditions,

2024 in Pictures and Videos

My dear friend and dance buddy Sebastian moved from St. Paul to California in May of 2022, but we still got together on most weeks throughout 2023 to practice dancing via Steezy Studio and/or Zoom. You can check out more sick dance moves here. Haha!

Through 2023, I hosted monthly parties. This is the delightful crew who showed up for our February get-together.

In March, we yurt camped for another night.

You can learn more at the Boundless Love Project’s events page, or message me for details on how to join the Zoom calls.

Here are my dear friends, gratitude partners,

Dance Performance Playlist:

If you want to live with more love, courage, and joy, you can take the full Mindfulness Fundamentals 2.0 course online or take the new, incomplete Mindfulness Fundamentals 3.0 course online here. I hope to complete the 3.0 version in 2024 as energy and health permit. Either way, these are free resources for you to take advantage of if they call to you in any way.

Diane (not pictured - See her above in the July camping at Willow River pic) and Phoenix (front and middle in tie-dye blue) threw a heart-warming New Year’s Eve party where we gathered in community to dance, sing, connect, and play. So much gratitude to Diane and my community for making accommodations for me so I could attend. It was a delightful way to end 2023.

I Appreciate You

Thank you to all of my friends and family not pictured or mentioned above who I also love dearly. Your picture is engraved on my heart. :)

Thank you to all my friends and family who made time to get together with me. Thank you to everyone for accommodating my health needs so I can spend time with you. Thanks also to all of my friends and family who have sent holiday cards, emails, and messages. It is so good to hear from you all.

And a huge, never-ending, thank you goes to my parents for all their love and support. It is often challenging and inconvenient to live with someone with special needs, and they make many sacrifices for my wellbeing.

To my friends and family, thank you for your kindness, care, compassion, humor, playfulness, joy, and all the other beautiful qualities that you share with me.

Feel the Love

Finally, I just want to say a few things that we often forget, but I find important to remember. First, you have inherent worth and value, so treat yourself with the same level of compassion and kindness that you treat your dear friends and loved ones.

Second, all beings and life forms have inherent worth and value, and we all want to be safe, peaceful, and happy, so let’s do our best to be kind, compassionate, skillful, and forgiving with each other and all life — even those who we find mean, annoying, or hard to like.

Finally, on the surface, we are all unique, different, individual, fallible, and mortal. At our core, we are all the same Life — which is eternal, boundlessly loving, infallible, and wise. May we live from our core, while honoring and respecting the surface of everyone and everything. May all of our actions help create peace, community, health, and wellbeing for all humans, animals, and ecosystems.

Thank you for being you. Have a delightful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year.

Wishing you and your loved ones boundless love, peace, and joy,


P.S. Ideally, I would send these out every year to stay in touch with friends who are far away that I don’t see often, but in reality they are intermittent. The only other one I sent out was for 2021 — and I think I sent that pretty late into 2022. Anyways, my love is there for you, even though I am inconsistent with these aspects of relationship.

P.P.S. Never forget your inherent worth and value. Even when you don’t feel it, you are cherished and loved. <3